Archive for heart
Un verdadero corazón de oro: El viaje de Jeremiahs hacia un trasplante de corazón
Con las sirenas sonando, Angelie y su esposo atravesaron el tráfico a toda velocidad, ansiosos por llegar a tiempo a la ciudad. La escolta policial que tenían delante les despejó el camino, lo que les permitió trasladarse rápidamente al Boston Children’s Hospital, donde los esperaba su hijo de 6 años, Jeremiahs, apodado JJ. Si Angelie ... Read More about Un verdadero corazón de oro: El viaje de Jeremiahs hacia un trasplante de corazón
Tagged: cardiac surgery, heart, heart center, heart patient, transplant
A true heart of gold: Jeremiahs’ heart transplant journey
With sirens wailing, Angelie and her husband sped through traffic, anxious to get to the city in time. The police escort ahead of them cleared the way, allowing for a speedy commute to Boston Children’s Hospital where their 6-year-old son, Jeremiahs — nicknamed JJ — was waiting for them. If Angelie hadn’t waved down the ... Read More about A true heart of gold: Jeremiahs’ heart transplant journey
Tagged: congenital heart defect, heart, heart center, heart patient, transplant
Helping aspiring clinicians understand a virtual heart before they work with a real one
Jonathan Awori, MD, MS, MFA, isn’t embarrassed to say it took him a long time to completely understand the intricate workings of the heart. He says he isn’t alone; many aspiring doctors and nurses don’t immediately grasp the heart’s complexity from two-dimensional textbooks or even 3D-printed models. Now that he’s a pediatric cardiology fellow at ... Read More about Helping aspiring clinicians understand a virtual heart before they work with a real one
Blood donations help Kit manage Diamond-Blackfan anemia — so she can dance, sing, and enjoy life
Every month, Kit Murdoch needs a blood transfusion to stay alive. The 2-year-old has Diamond-Blackfan anemia, a rare genetic blood disorder that, if untreated, prevents blood from delivering oxygen through the body. While it has been a devastating diagnosis for Kit’s parents, they’re grateful for the specialized care she receives and are constantly amazed that people ... Read More about Blood donations help Kit manage Diamond-Blackfan anemia — so she can dance, sing, and enjoy life
Tagged: anemia, blood, blood disorder, heart, rare disease, ventricular septal defect
Chloe navigates Marfan syndrome with a positive attitude — and a responsive care team
Chloe Burian has always defied expectations. Despite surgeries and other treatments for several conditions that stem from the genetic disorder Marfan syndrome, the 12-year-old remains upbeat. “Nothing bothers her,” says Chloe’s mom, Audrey. “She goes through life with a smile.” Still, there were moments of doubt along the way, especially when Audrey and her husband, Rudy, ... Read More about Chloe navigates Marfan syndrome with a positive attitude — and a responsive care team
Research aims to pinpoint genetic connection between autism and heart disease
Cardiology and neurodevelopmental researchers have more questions than answers about the possible genetic links between congenital heart disease (CHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A study that’s underway at Boston Children’s aims to pin down those elusive answers by taking a close look at the genetics of children with neurodevelopment and cardiovascular conditions. The researchers want to see ... Read More about Research aims to pinpoint genetic connection between autism and heart disease
From aerospace to the OR: 3D modeling improves surgical planning by revealing details of patients’ hearts
One of the most important tools for complex heart surgeries at Boston Children’s isn’t even in the operating room. For years, heart surgeons couldn’t see the complete extent of a patient’s condition until a procedure started, forcing them to rely on experience, diagnostic imaging, and other information to plan surgery. Now, 3D modeling allows them ... Read More about From aerospace to the OR: 3D modeling improves surgical planning by revealing details of patients’ hearts
A ‘super’ new heart surgery for a super kid
When you’re the first person in the world to undergo a new type of heart surgery, you don’t have to use the procedure’s clinical name. You can give it any name you want, even your own. That’s what 7-year-old Easton Schlein’s family has done. While his Boston Children’s cardiac surgery team calls the groundbreaking procedure a “reverse ... Read More about A ‘super’ new heart surgery for a super kid
After complex heart surgery, Yah’ir is all smiles
Christina Moreland and Jimmy Austin want their 6-month-old son, Yah’ir, to have a bright future, one where he can pursue all of his dreams. “He can do whatever he wants to do,” Christina says. There’s just one caveat, an understandable one considering that Yah’ir is recovering from complex heart surgery. “As long as he doesn’t ... Read More about After complex heart surgery, Yah’ir is all smiles
Treatment for a complex congenital heart defect gives Alyvia ‘endless energy’
She may be just 3 years old, but Alyvia Parker is already making a difference for other kids with congenital heart defects (CHD). This month, she was a guest of honor at Gulfport City Hall, where, thanks to her and her mom’s advocacy, their hometown lawmakers proclaimed it Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week. The two also ... Read More about Treatment for a complex congenital heart defect gives Alyvia ‘endless energy’