Archive for fetal medicine
Un hito en la Costa Este: El bebé Isaac está evolucionando después de una reparación fetoscópica por minilaparotomía de espina bífida abierta
Isaac Suardi aún no lo sabe, pero ya ha hecho historia. Recién nacido en julio, es el primer bebé en la Costa Este en someterse a una reparación quirúrgica fetoscópica por minilaparotomía de un defecto del tubo neural (DTN) mientras aún está en el útero de su madre. “Sinceramente, no pensamos demasiado en eso”, admite ... Read More about Un hito en la Costa Este: El bebé Isaac está evolucionando después de una reparación fetoscópica por minilaparotomía de espina bífida abierta
Tagged: fetal medicine, fetal surgery, MFCC, spina bifida
Baby Isaac is thriving after an East Coast first for a neural tube defect
Isaac Suardi doesn’t know it yet, but he’s already made history. Just born in July, he’s the first baby on the East Coast to undergo mini-laparotomy fetoscopic surgical repair of a neural tube defect (NTD) while still in his mother’s womb. “Honestly, we didn’t think too much about that,” admits his father, Chris. “We knew ... Read More about Baby Isaac is thriving after an East Coast first for a neural tube defect
Tagged: fetal medicine, fetal surgery, MFCC, spina bifida
‘Zero place for mistakes’: Taking fetal surgery to the next level with simulation
The highly complex interventions involved in fetal surgery require exceptional skill, training, and experience. Beyond the procedures themselves, these surgical scenarios depend on the ability of team members to work in concert. It’s a seamless collaboration that’s even more crucial when two patients — the pregnant person and fetus — are involved. When the Fetal ... Read More about ‘Zero place for mistakes’: Taking fetal surgery to the next level with simulation
Finding comfort and answers for twin-twin transfusion syndrome: Shannon’s story
Shannon’s journey through a challenging pregnancy with TTTS (twin-twin transfusion syndrome) was, as she puts it, an emotional rollercoaster. In addition to the usual first-time parent jitters and the unexpected news of twins, Shannon and Mike navigated the emotional ups and downs of the rare pregnancy complication. TTTS put their twins at severe risk of ... Read More about Finding comfort and answers for twin-twin transfusion syndrome: Shannon’s story
Tagged: Fetal Care and Surgery Center, fetal medicine, MFCC
Rowan the Remarkable: Defying the odds with CPAM
This is the story of a baby named Rowan and his remarkable journey of beating the odds after doctors discovered a potentially fatal mass on his lung in utero. This is also the story of his mother, Casey, who fought for him every step of the way, and the medical professionals whose collaboration and planning ... Read More about Rowan the Remarkable: Defying the odds with CPAM
Tagged: Fetal Care and Surgery Center, fetal medicine, MFCC, nicu, surgery
Years in the making: Team performs successful fetal intervention for VOGM
On an ordinary Wednesday in March, a team of specialists from two institutions made the extraordinary happen: a first-of-its-kind intervention for a rare, life-threatening type of blood vessel anomaly called a vein of Galen malformation (VOGM) — performed in utero. The ultrasound-guided embolization involves deploying tiny metal coils into the affected vein via a microcatheter ... Read More about Years in the making: Team performs successful fetal intervention for VOGM
Changing the world: Baby Denver leads the way after first-of-its-kind procedure for VOGM
Denver Coleman is less than 2 months old, but she’s already helped blaze a trail for other children and families, a feat she accomplished before she was even born. Denver, who was diagnosed with a vein of Galen malformation — a type of rare blood vessel abnormality inside the brain — in utero, is the ... Read More about Changing the world: Baby Denver leads the way after first-of-its-kind procedure for VOGM
Tagged: brain health, fetal medicine, MFCC, surgery, vein of galen malformation
After complex heart surgery, Yah’ir is all smiles
Christina Moreland and Jimmy Austin want their 6-month-old son, Yah’ir, to have a bright future, one where he can pursue all of his dreams. “He can do whatever he wants to do,” Christina says. There’s just one caveat, an understandable one considering that Yah’ir is recovering from complex heart surgery. “As long as he doesn’t ... Read More about After complex heart surgery, Yah’ir is all smiles
‘I did it!’ Micah is thriving after maternal-fetal care for a CPAM
Dr. Marla Lipsyc-Sharf is no stranger to the field of medicine: As a medical oncology fellow, she’s familiar with the human body and the health challenges that can arise. But it still came as a shock when — 20 weeks into a healthy pregnancy — she and her husband, Jeremiah, learned during an ultrasound that ... Read More about ‘I did it!’ Micah is thriving after maternal-fetal care for a CPAM
Tagged: Fetal Care and Surgery Center, fetal medicine, MFCC, surgery
‘Our silver lining’: Mila is thriving after CDH repair
For Katie, last St. Patrick’s Day wasn’t an occasion for revelry. Instead, it was the day an ultrasound revealed that their daughter, Mila, would be born with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). In this condition, the diaphragm — the layer of muscle and tissue between the chest and abdominal cavity — forms with a hole ... Read More about ‘Our silver lining’: Mila is thriving after CDH repair