Archive for vein of galen malformation
Years in the making: Team performs successful fetal intervention for VOGM
On an ordinary Wednesday in March, a team of specialists from two institutions made the extraordinary happen: a first-of-its-kind intervention for a rare, life-threatening type of blood vessel anomaly called a vein of Galen malformation (VOGM) — performed in utero. The ultrasound-guided embolization involves deploying tiny metal coils into the affected vein via a microcatheter ... Read More about Years in the making: Team performs successful fetal intervention for VOGM
Changing the world: Baby Denver leads the way after first-of-its-kind procedure for VOGM
Denver Coleman is less than 2 months old, but she’s already helped blaze a trail for other children and families, a feat she accomplished before she was even born. Denver, who was diagnosed with a vein of Galen malformation — a type of rare blood vessel abnormality inside the brain — in utero, is the ... Read More about Changing the world: Baby Denver leads the way after first-of-its-kind procedure for VOGM
Tagged: brain health, fetal medicine, MFCC, surgery, vein of galen malformation
‘To do what’s best for Marley’: One family’s experience with a vein of Galen malformation
Last summer, Savannah and Brian were eagerly awaiting the birth of their first child. Savannah was scheduled to deliver their daughter Marley in late September, and they couldn’t wait to hold her, feed her, dress her up, and relish in the new-baby joy. But the Georgia couple soon learned that parenthood tends to throw plans ... Read More about ‘To do what’s best for Marley’: One family’s experience with a vein of Galen malformation
Treating a ‘unicorn’: Norman’s incredible journey with vein of Galen malformation
Norman Flores is near the top of his class at his Montessori preschool. He can recognize a Tesla just from the car’s symbol. And he’s picked up an extensive vocabulary from his parents, Sarah and Erick, and older brother, Edward. When Sarah and Erick share these accomplishments, they’re not just being proud parents — they’re ... Read More about Treating a ‘unicorn’: Norman’s incredible journey with vein of Galen malformation
Tagged: vein of galen malformation
Fetal treatment for vein of Galen malformations
Vein of Galen malformations (VOGMs) are rare, life-threatening vascular malformations that often cause heart failure in neonates. The preferred postnatal treatment for VOGM is transarterial embolization [1]. Although often diagnosed in utero, currently no in utero treatments exist. The Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) at Boston Children’s Hospital and Brigham & Women’s Hospital have agreed that ... Read More about Fetal treatment for vein of Galen malformations