Lily’s smile lights up the stage, thanks to orthodontic care
Thirteen-year-old Lily is a fan of the theatre — and she’s no stranger to taking the stage, having already performed in two plays just this past school year. “She’s always the most confident when she’s up on stage with her friends,” says her mom, Jade. Lily’s confidence is something that she recently stepped back into, ... Read More about Lily’s smile lights up the stage, thanks to orthodontic care
Un hito en la Costa Este: El bebé Isaac está evolucionando después de una reparación fetoscópica por minilaparotomía de espina bífida abierta
Isaac Suardi aún no lo sabe, pero ya ha hecho historia. Recién nacido en julio, es el primer bebé en la Costa Este en someterse a una reparación quirúrgica fetoscópica por minilaparotomía de un defecto del tubo neural (DTN) mientras aún está en el útero de su madre. “Sinceramente, no pensamos demasiado en eso”, admite ... Read More about Un hito en la Costa Este: El bebé Isaac está evolucionando después de una reparación fetoscópica por minilaparotomía de espina bífida abierta
Humble cells in a little-known organ manage brain inflammation
Deep in the brain, sheets of tissue known as the choroid plexus produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and act as a protective barrier between the brain and CSF. But the lab of Maria Lehtinen, PhD, at Boston Children’s Hospital has shown that the little-known choroid plexus does much more. For example, it secretes factors that promote ... Read More about Humble cells in a little-known organ manage brain inflammation
Baby Isaac is thriving after an East Coast first for a neural tube defect
Isaac Suardi doesn’t know it yet, but he’s already made history. Just born in July, he’s the first baby on the East Coast to undergo mini-laparotomy fetoscopic surgical repair of a neural tube defect (NTD) while still in his mother’s womb. “Honestly, we didn’t think too much about that,” admits his father, Chris. “We knew ... Read More about Baby Isaac is thriving after an East Coast first for a neural tube defect
Finding epilepsy hotspots before surgery: A faster, non-invasive approach
Neurosurgery for patients with drug-resistant epilepsy requires locating the precise brain areas that are generating the seizures. Typically, patients undergo 7 to 10 days of invasive intracranial EEG monitoring, with electrodes surgically implanted inside the brain through one or more skull openings to capture seizure activity as it happens. Eleonora Tamilia, PhD, directs the Epilepsy ... Read More about Finding epilepsy hotspots before surgery: A faster, non-invasive approach
‘Zero place for mistakes’: Taking fetal surgery to the next level with simulation
The highly complex interventions involved in fetal surgery require exceptional skill, training, and experience. Beyond the procedures themselves, these surgical scenarios depend on the ability of team members to work in concert. It’s a seamless collaboration that’s even more crucial when two patients — the pregnant person and fetus — are involved. When Boston Children’s ... Read More about ‘Zero place for mistakes’: Taking fetal surgery to the next level with simulation
Jack had a first-of-its-kind surgery with the aim of making it his last
Jack Mangan loves fire trucks. He also loves monster trucks. So you can imagine his excitement about those two things being mashed up as a toy: a fire truck on top of a monster truck. The 4-year-old has an extensive collection of miniature hybrid monster trucks — one has a shark on top; another Scooby-Doo ... Read More about Jack had a first-of-its-kind surgery with the aim of making it his last
Beyond expectations: Treating Isaac’s teratoma through an EXIT procedure
Jennifer worked as a hairdresser until just days before delivering her son, Isaac, last December, even though she had planned to stop a week earlier. Beating expectations must run in the family because Isaac has been doing just that since before he was even born. He has amazed everyone around him with how well he ... Read More about Beyond expectations: Treating Isaac’s teratoma through an EXIT procedure
After surgery for a brain tumor, Jenny is moving ahead — and giving back
“It might sound weird,” says Jenny Eckert, “but I’m very grateful that I got hit in the face with a soccer ball.” A year and a half ago, Jenny, then 9, was playing soccer when she accidentally took a hit to the head — twice. Concerned about a possible concussion, her parents, Vanessa and Scott, brought ... Read More about After surgery for a brain tumor, Jenny is moving ahead — and giving back
Eight years of preparation for a surgical first: a partial heart transplant
Boston Children’s cardiac surgeons have an overriding goal for each patient: If possible, repair their congenital heart defect (CHD) — rather than replace any native heart tissue. Preserving heart tissue often leads to a speedier and more complete recovery and longer-lasting cardiac function. Sometimes, though, a patient’s valve tissue is beyond repair and a bioprosthetic or mechanical replacement valve ... Read More about Eight years of preparation for a surgical first: a partial heart transplant