Archive for culture
Keeping up with the tween skin care trend: What’s in those products?
More teens and tweens are hitting the mall to grab skin-care products they’ve seen on social media — but are these popular ingredients safe for younger skin? We asked Dr. Jennifer Tan and Dr. Jennifer Huang in Boston Children’s Dermatology Program to weigh in on this trend and break down common ingredients. Trends aren’t for ... Read More about Keeping up with the tween skin care trend: What’s in those products?
How Boston Children’s physicians have teamed up to tackle obesity and food insecurity
When nutritious, high-quality food is not easily accessible, families are often left to purchase what is available — usually, highly processed, nutrient-poor food. Children in these households — who also have food insecurity and various socio-economic stressors — face additional barriers and are at risk for developing chronic diseases, such as obesity. To address such ... Read More about How Boston Children’s physicians have teamed up to tackle obesity and food insecurity
Tagged: community health, culture, nutrition, obesity
Why parents really need to talk to their children about the news
These are strange, anxiety-provoking times. That’s true no matter where one lives or where one sits on the political spectrum — for all of us, it’s upsetting and confusing. If it feels that way for adults, just imagine what it’s like for children who catch snatches of information and conversations they don’t really understand. That’s ... Read More about Why parents really need to talk to their children about the news
Tagged: coronavirus, culture, racism
Addressing food insecurity: How Boston Children’s makes food accessible for patients
Food insecurity is more common than you might think, affecting an estimated 21.1% of Massachusetts households with children in 2023. To add to the stress, families of children with dietary restrictions who face food insecurity are frequently left with limited options to find proper nutrition. One of the biggest hurdles when it comes to addressing ... Read More about Addressing food insecurity: How Boston Children’s makes food accessible for patients
Breaking down barriers: How interpreters can enhance patient care
Sharing medical concerns with clinicians can be hard for anyone — a challenge that’s amplified in patients when English isn’t their first language. The results are troubling: One recent study by Boston Children’s pediatric hospitalist and researcher Alisa Khan, MD, MPH, found that patients and families who have limited English proficiency are three to five ... Read More about Breaking down barriers: How interpreters can enhance patient care
Tagged: advocacy, community health, culture, digital health, primary care, research
Ways to keep kids engaged and unplugged during the holidays
The winter holiday break is upon us. This means being away from routines and schedules and more time at home, traveling, or visiting loved ones. Bottom line: families will be spending more time together (again). So, how can we find ways to put down our phones and engage in the yuletide cheer together? Join in ... Read More about Ways to keep kids engaged and unplugged during the holidays
Tagged: adolescent medicine, culture
Providing culturally responsive care to refugee and immigrant families
Refugee and immigrant parents and children have unique care needs. They have left their former lives behind, often due to discrimination, poverty, violence, or even ethnic cleansing operations. They may have witnessed or experienced torture or the death of a loved one. Once resettled in the U.S., parents must navigate and adjust to American culture, ... Read More about Providing culturally responsive care to refugee and immigrant families
Tagged: advocacy, community health, culture, global health, health equity, mental health, nursing, primary care, racism
Preparing your kids for the holidays during COVID-19
Like most things this year, the holiday season will be marked by the coronavirus pandemic. For you and your family, it may feel like one more disappointment at the end of a long, challenging year. So, how do you talk with your kids about the upcoming holidays? And what can you do to celebrate, even ... Read More about Preparing your kids for the holidays during COVID-19
Tagged: coronavirus, culture
Language barriers linked with medical errors in hospitalized children
A new study finds that hospitalized children whose families have limited comfort with English are twice as likely to experience medical errors. The study, which did not include patient data from Boston Children’s Hospital, highlights the need for improving communication between these families and the health care providers they interact with to ensure the safety ... Read More about Language barriers linked with medical errors in hospitalized children
Tagged: culture, health equity, medical training, research
Help your kids balance screen time and healthy play during COVID-19
Whether your child’s school is fully remote or hybrid this fall, chances are they’ll be spending extensive amounts of time in front of their computers. If, like many parents, you’re working from home, you may be relying more heavily on television and video games to keep your kids entertained. But how does all of this ... Read More about Help your kids balance screen time and healthy play during COVID-19
Tagged: coronavirus, culture, developmental milestones, digital health