Archive for racism
Revisiting race and ethnicity in clinical guidelines
Health care institutions often rely on clinical pathways in assessing patients and making decisions about their care. Some of these care algorithms incorporate race, ethnicity, or ancestry as factors in decision making. But is this helpful or harmful? And is there solid evidence to justify treating people of different racial or ethnic backgrounds differently? Robert ... Read More about Revisiting race and ethnicity in clinical guidelines
Tagged: diabetes, eczema, emergency medicine, fever, health equity, medical training, racism
Why parents really need to talk to their children about the news
These are strange, anxiety-provoking times. That’s true no matter where one lives or where one sits on the political spectrum — for all of us, it’s upsetting and confusing. If it feels that way for adults, just imagine what it’s like for children who catch snatches of information and conversations they don’t really understand. That’s ... Read More about Why parents really need to talk to their children about the news
Tagged: coronavirus, culture, racism
United in diversity: Our Asian American and Pacific Islander community
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders contribute to patient care at Boston Children’s Hospital in virtually every way. Many work directly with patients as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Many contribute to care as researchers, lab technicians, and food service workers. Some work behind the scenes in human resources and administration, and some help maintain a safe, ... Read More about United in diversity: Our Asian American and Pacific Islander community
Tagged: health equity, racism
Providing culturally responsive care to refugee and immigrant families
Refugee and immigrant parents and children have unique care needs. They have left their former lives behind, often due to discrimination, poverty, violence, or even ethnic cleansing operations. They may have witnessed or experienced torture or the death of a loved one. Once resettled in the U.S., parents must navigate and adjust to American culture, ... Read More about Providing culturally responsive care to refugee and immigrant families
Tagged: advocacy, community health, culture, global health, health equity, mental health, nursing, primary care, racism
Helping your kids understand and cope with anti-Asian racism
Over the past year, there has been an alarming increase in anti-Asian sentiment and discrimination in the United States. The advocacy and hate reporting group Stop AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) Hate reports more than 6,600 hate incidents — including harassment, shunning, and physical attacks — since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. ... Read More about Helping your kids understand and cope with anti-Asian racism
Tagged: health equity, mental health, racism
Talking to your child about slurs: When words hurt
Imagine the following scenarios: You’re walking down the street with your teenage son and an adult in a passing car yells a racial slur out the window at you. You’re at your local playground you overhear your daughter direct an anti-gay slur at another child. As a parent, what do you do? “These conversations are ... Read More about Talking to your child about slurs: When words hurt
Tagged: health equity, mental health, racism
COVID-19 exposed health inequities. These doctors let people know.
What’s a doctor to do when social issues make their patients sick? Traditional medicine can treat disease, but most people don’t realize that problems like racism, poverty, poor housing, and food insecurity can put children and families at risk for a wide range of health problems. Driven by concern that communities of color would experience ... Read More about COVID-19 exposed health inequities. These doctors let people know.
Tagged: coronavirus, health equity, racism
Exploring the link between homelessness and COVID-19
With COVID-19 cases continuing to surge across the nation, it’s increasingly clear that people who don’t have a stable living situation find it much more challenging to shelter in place. Homelessness affects as many as 58,000 families — and more than 100,000 children — in the U.S. on any given night. More than three-quarters of ... Read More about Exploring the link between homelessness and COVID-19
Tagged: community health, coronavirus, health equity, racism
Racism and children’s health: What providers need to know
It’s easy to feel outdone by racism, especially as the country cycles through stages of tragedy, awareness, and inertia. But with renewed attention to violence against Black people in recent weeks, many health care providers are asking themselves hard questions: Can we create a better world for the next generation?Can the call for racial justice lead ... Read More about Racism and children’s health: What providers need to know
Tagged: asthma, cancer, coronavirus, diabetes, health equity, mental health, obesity, racism
Racism is a health issue: How it affects kids, what parents can do
Racism has once again gained national attention. Following the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, people around the world are taking a stand against race-based inequality and violence. But even after it fades from the news cycle, racism will remain present in the lives of children. How children experience racism Racism can ... Read More about Racism is a health issue: How it affects kids, what parents can do
Tagged: asthma, cancer, culture, diabetes, health equity, mental health, obesity, racism