Archive for pain
Crossing the ocean: Kathryn learns how to manage chronic pain
When Kathryn Chechile, 11, “graduated” from Boston Children’s Pediatric Pain and Rehabilitation Center (PPRC) last year, she painted a tile to hang on the wall of the Center’s space. It’s a fun ritual for patients who complete the intensive day program aimed at helping kids manage chronic pain. Kathryn’s design features a girl looking out ... Read More about Crossing the ocean: Kathryn learns how to manage chronic pain
Tagged: pain
Kiersten finds new purpose after care for life-threatening cardiomyopathy
Being just three miles away from her cardiac care team at Boston Children’s makes all the difference in the world to New Jersey native Kiersten Rock-Torcivia as she starts her sophomore year at Boston College. She is now closer to the specialists who help her manage a rare and life-threatening cardiomyopathy. Kiersten initially believed she ... Read More about Kiersten finds new purpose after care for life-threatening cardiomyopathy
A deeper understanding of inflammatory pain could reveal new solutions
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen are the main go-to for inflammatory pain caused by wounds, infection, sunburn, arthritis, and other triggers. NSAIDs work pretty well, but chronic use can cause side effects, and they aren’t equally effective for all sources of pain. Could we identify a more effective, safer analgesic that doesn’t involve ... Read More about A deeper understanding of inflammatory pain could reveal new solutions
‘Everything fell into place’: Innovative POEM procedure lets Peyton eat without pain
Peyton Reed, 14, is a typical teenage boy: He enjoys tennis, video games — and food. So when eating became so painful for him that he started losing weight, his parents knew it was time to get him help. The problem began gradually enough five years ago, with bouts of what seemed liked heartburn. Because ... Read More about ‘Everything fell into place’: Innovative POEM procedure lets Peyton eat without pain
Tagged: gastroenterology, motility, pain
One day closer: Second opinion for urologic pain changes Iker’s life at last
Like many kids, Iker Guzman enjoys playing with LEGO toys. But there was nothing lighthearted about the day a few years ago when he used the tiny bricks to spell out one word on the floor: HELP. It was a message his parents, Elsa and David, had already taken to heart. For years, they had ... Read More about One day closer: Second opinion for urologic pain changes Iker’s life at last
New possibilities: How Caden learned to manage chronic pain — and found an unexpected path
In October 2020, Caden Deutsch started feeling sick. Although the 17-year-old had been coping with juvenile idiopathic arthritis since he was in sixth grade, this was different. By the following year, what had begun as brief episodes of gastrointestinal discomfort had progressed to constant, excruciating pain. “I’d been living with chronic joint pain for years, ... Read More about New possibilities: How Caden learned to manage chronic pain — and found an unexpected path
Broken signals: Things you may not know about nerve injury
When Dr. Andrea Bauer talks about nerve injuries, she talks about phone cords. A damaged phone cord transmits staticky or broken sounds, or no sound at all. Similarly, peripheral nerve injuries (injuries that affect the arms, hands, legs, and feet) disrupt signals to and from the brain, causing numbness, loss of sensation, and lost function. ... Read More about Broken signals: Things you may not know about nerve injury
‘It’s worth it’: Dianna finds support in managing her chronic pain
For Dianna Aguiar, 18, playing tennis, practicing yoga, and going for walks with her dog aren’t just fun ways to stay active. They’re powerful proof of how far she’s come in her journey with chronic pain. Although Dianna has had juvenile arthritis since she was a child, she began experiencing new back and hip pain ... Read More about ‘It’s worth it’: Dianna finds support in managing her chronic pain
Tagged: pain
Nerve block and a way out of pain after surgery
If she hadn’t dislocated her knee severely when she was 13, Paige Thornton probably wouldn’t have such strong feelings about pain. But most teenagers haven’t gone through an experience like hers: two surgeries at a hospital outside of Boston followed by weeks of agonizing pain and a year and half struggling to walk. Blocks use ... Read More about Nerve block and a way out of pain after surgery
Tagged: orthopedics, pain, sports injury, surgery
‘Worth the trip’: Aiden and his family found help for chronic pain in Boston
Aiden Kozak loves playing volleyball — and he’s good at it. He was even recently named one of the top 50 student volleyball players on Long Island. It’s a huge change from four years ago, when walking was so painful that he relied on a wheelchair. That wasn’t always the case. Until he was 12, ... Read More about ‘Worth the trip’: Aiden and his family found help for chronic pain in Boston
Tagged: pain