Archive for aerodigestive
New insight into the effects of PPIs in children
Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are frequently prescribed to suppress stomach acid in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Prescribing rates of PPIs in children have risen more than 500 percent in the past two decades, despite growing concerns about their risks: Previous research has linked their use to an increased risk of various pulmonary and gastrointestinal ... Read More about New insight into the effects of PPIs in children
Tagged: aerodigestive, coronavirus, gastroenterology, microbiome, reflux, research
How transnasal endoscopy got Jamie back on the golf course
Jamie is like most 15-year-olds — he goes to school, hangs out with his friends, and still makes time to get outside to play some golf and baseball. However, when Jamie was having bouts of throwing up and getting food stuck in his throat, he and his mom, Tricia, knew it wasn’t just a case ... Read More about How transnasal endoscopy got Jamie back on the golf course
Tagged: aerodigestive, allergy, gastroenterology
After vascular ring surgery, playing and eating are a breeze for Louis
You can’t blame 10-year-old Louis McFaye for eating three hot dogs really fast. Until last summer, he struggled to eat even a single hot dog cut into tiny pieces. That’s because he had a vascular ring, an abnormal formation of the aorta — the body’s largest blood vessel — that compressed his esophagus and trachea. Throughout ... Read More about After vascular ring surgery, playing and eating are a breeze for Louis
Tagged: aerodigestive, heart, heart center, heart patient, surgery, vascular rings
Understanding BRUEs: Recent study sheds light
Brief resolved unexplained events (BRUEs) are episodes marked by concerning changes in breathing, consciousness, muscle tone, and skin color (cyanosis or paleness). They tend to occur in previously healthy infants and send worried parents racing to the emergency department. However, researchers know little about the risk of persistent symptoms after BRUE hospitalizations. To learn more, ... Read More about Understanding BRUEs: Recent study sheds light
Tagged: aerodigestive, reflux, research
With support for genetic condition trisomy 18, Brooklyn ‘tells her own story’
Erin and Tim Haggan quickly realized they would always be seeking answers after learning the child they were expecting had trisomy 18. It is a life-threatening chromosomal condition, and only about 10 percent of children live beyond their first year. Those who survive grow slowly and often have congenital heart defects (CHD) and other organ anomalies. The couple ... Read More about With support for genetic condition trisomy 18, Brooklyn ‘tells her own story’
At the intersection of research and clinical care: Celebrating our female gastroenterologists
In honor of Women’s History Month and National Doctor’s Day, we’re celebrating just a few of the amazing female gastroenterologists at Boston Children’s Hospital. Elizabeth Hait, MD, MPH Elizabeth Hait, MD, MPH Clinical director, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Co-Medical director, Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disease Program Why did you want to become a physician? In ... Read More about At the intersection of research and clinical care: Celebrating our female gastroenterologists
Tagged: aerodigestive, fecal transplant, gastroenterology, research
Bringing Brazilian flair to blended diets: Josue’s g-tube journey
Josue Oliveira loves mealtime. In his large family — he’s the youngest of five kids — that means gathering around the table to enjoy traditional Brazilian dishes full of rice, beans, vegetables, and chicken. For this 4-year-old, though, dinner is a little different. Instead of picking up a fork or spoon, he gets his meals ... Read More about Bringing Brazilian flair to blended diets: Josue’s g-tube journey
Tagged: aerodigestive, g tube, nutrition
From frustration to confidence: Training helps parents replace their baby’s NG tube
When the parents of 10-month-old Miles Couture were first told he would need a nasogastric (NG) tube to receive his nutrition, “it was heartbreaking,” says his mom, Catherine. Miles, who was born at just 26 weeks, had struggled with being able to feed on his own. But he seemed to be taking more by mouth. ... Read More about From frustration to confidence: Training helps parents replace their baby’s NG tube
Tagged: aerodigestive
Thickened feeds — but not acid-suppressing medications — help treat laryngomalacia in infants
In laryngomalacia, the soft tissues of the larynx fall over the airway opening and partially block it, which can result in stridor, feeding difficulties, and other symptoms. Infants with this condition are frequently treated with acid-suppressing medications, based on the belief that gastroesophageal reflux might worsen the problem. However, there’s little evidence to support the ... Read More about Thickened feeds — but not acid-suppressing medications — help treat laryngomalacia in infants
Tagged: aerodigestive, dysphagia, reflux, research
Two recent innovations in aerodigestive care
Feeding disorders are extremely common in pediatrics and are a source of significant stress for families. Because many complex feeding disorders lack treatment options, children tend to receive nutrition by feeding tubes as a result. The Aerodigestive Center at Boston Children’s Hospital has been at the forefront of developing novel therapies for feeding disorders. Two ... Read More about Two recent innovations in aerodigestive care
Tagged: aerodigestive, motility, reflux