Archive for aerodigestive
Two recent innovations in aerodigestive care
Feeding disorders are extremely common in pediatrics and are a source of significant stress for families. Because many complex feeding disorders lack treatment options, children tend to receive nutrition by feeding tubes as a result. The Aerodigestive Center at Boston Children’s Hospital has been at the forefront of developing novel therapies for feeding disorders. Two ... Read More about Two recent innovations in aerodigestive care
Tagged: aerodigestive, motility, reflux
Evidence-based guideline reduces G-tube placement in young patients
Gastrostomy tubes (G-tubes) are commonly used to deliver nutrition directly to the stomach in patients who cannot eat by mouth, require supplemental nutrients, or have swallowing difficulties, including oropharyngeal dysphagia with aspiration. While the placement of G-tubes is on the rise nationally, data suggests that children with G-tubes have two to three times the number ... Read More about Evidence-based guideline reduces G-tube placement in young patients
Tagged: aerodigestive, g tube, research
Dysmotility may play a major role in respiratory symptoms
Clinicians whose patients exhibit respiratory symptoms frequently assume that gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is responsible. However, esophageal and gastric dysmotility may be more significant factors in respiratory disease than GERD alone, according to a recent review by Rachel Rosen, MD, MPH, and Samuel Nurko, MD, MPH. The paper, published in Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics, ... Read More about Dysmotility may play a major role in respiratory symptoms
Tagged: aerodigestive, motility, research
When to call the doctor about your child’s cough
Come winter, it’s difficult to escape the cacophony of hacking and throat-clearing that accompanies the common cold. Fortunately, most coughs are associated with self-limiting respiratory infections and will clear up on their own with time. But how do you know when a cough is worrisome — and when it’s time to call your pediatrician? We ... Read More about When to call the doctor about your child’s cough
Tagged: aerodigestive
Six ways to keep kids with aerodigestive disorders healthy
There’s probably not an adult or child who hasn’t experienced the stuffy nose and difficulty swallowing associated with an upper respiratory infection. Usually, rest, extra fluids, and time help ease such symptoms until the cold clears up. But for kids with aerodigestive conditions, which already affect the ability to eat and breathe, cold and flu ... Read More about Six ways to keep kids with aerodigestive disorders healthy
Tagged: aerodigestive, dysphagia, flu
Study sounds another warning about proton pump inhibitors
A recent study adds to growing concerns about a class of drugs frequently prescribed to suppress stomach acid in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Previous research has linked the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to an increased risk of various pulmonary and gastrointestinal infections in both adults and children. Patients treated with PPIs ... Read More about Study sounds another warning about proton pump inhibitors
Tagged: aerodigestive, reflux
Pioneering microbiome findings shed light on aspiration
When children have respiratory infections, clinicians tend to blame gastroesophageal reflux, based on the assumption that bacteria-laden stomach contents rise into the mouth and are then aspirated. As a result, clinicians often recommend a type of anti-reflux surgery called fundoplication to treat these infections. Yet, despite undergoing this procedure, many patients don’t improve. A new ... Read More about Pioneering microbiome findings shed light on aspiration
Tagged: aerodigestive, gastroenterology, microbiome, reflux, research
The modified barium swallow study: What’s it like?
If your child has dysphagia or another swallowing problem, their physician may recommend a “swallow study.” Technically called a modified barium swallow study, this test can help clinicians determine whether a child is aspirating, which means that food or liquid is entering their lungs when they try to eat or drink. “This study is completely ... Read More about The modified barium swallow study: What’s it like?
Tagged: aerodigestive, feeding therapy
Mia’s team: Working together to address aspiration
Seven-month-old Mia Petrelli sits in a chair in the darkened room. As Kara Larson, a speech language pathologist in the Aerodigestive Center at Boston Children’s Hospital, spoons different foods mixed with liquid barium into the little girl’s mouth, a nearby video screen displays real-time images of her anatomy. It’s part of a modified barium swallow ... Read More about Mia’s team: Working together to address aspiration
Tagged: aerodigestive
From Cape Verde for coordinated CDH care
Most parents have never heard of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), a rare and potentially life-threatening condition in which a baby is born with a hole in the diaphragm, the muscle that the body uses to breathe. This can cause the intestines and other abdominal organs to move into the chest, which prevents normal lung development. ... Read More about From Cape Verde for coordinated CDH care