Archive for Sophia Castaldo
Keeping kids safe this summer
Make sure your child remains safe both outside and indoors throughout the summer months by following these summer safety tips from Boston Children's.
Tagged: safety, summer safety
Developmental milestone checklists don’t always agree, finds study
Developmental milestones, such as sitting unsupported or babbling, are a cornerstone for tracking a child’s development and spotting potential delays. Yet fewer than half of pediatricians actually use formal developmental assessments. Hoping to make the process easier, Carol Wilkinson, MD, PhD, in the Boston Children’s Hospital Division of Developmental Medicine, set out to incorporate a ... Read More about Developmental milestone checklists don’t always agree, finds study
A rare diagnosis: Zoey’s new smile
After her surgery at Boston Children's for a frontal encephalocele and cleft lip, Zoey, a tutu-lover from Mississippi, is home and thriving.
Tagged: cleft lip, encephalocele
Regina’s journey with HLHS: Four years later
Regina was just 25 days old the first time she made the trip from her home in Mexico to Boston. Regina was born with a serious congenital heart defect called hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), resulting in the underdevelopment of the left side of her heart. Her doctors in Mexico told her parents it was ... Read More about Regina’s journey with HLHS: Four years later