Archive for telehealth
Virtual visits give Weston time to grow and thrive
For many kids and parents, staying home during the COVID-19 pandemic was a challenge. But for Weston Mahady and his family, social distancing was just what the doctor ordered. The slowed-down pace, time spent together — and access to virtual appointments with Boston Children’s specialists — allowed Weston to make developmental strides that once hadn’t ... Read More about Virtual visits give Weston time to grow and thrive
Tagged: complex care, epilepsy, rare disease, telehealth
Making autism evaluations accessible: Boston Children’s tests virtual options
At this time the virtual autism diagnosis program is only available to internal Boston Children’s Hospital primary care patients who receive care at the Children’s Hospital Primary Care Center or at Boston Children’s at Martha Eliot. Many obstacles can delay a diagnosis of autism in children, including language barriers, waiting lists for evaluation, and access ... Read More about Making autism evaluations accessible: Boston Children’s tests virtual options
Tagged: autism, autism research, autism spectrum disorder, telehealth
(Virtually) visiting the home to help control childhood asthma
Many children have difficulty taking their asthma medicine on a regular basis. Sometimes it’s a matter of feeling well and deciding not to take the medication; other times, it’s simply forgetting. But some children also don’t know how to properly use an asthma inhaler, or they can’t access their medicine in the first place. A ... Read More about (Virtually) visiting the home to help control childhood asthma
Tagged: asthma, pulmonology, telehealth
We speak your language: Helping non-English-speaking families receive the best care
Visiting a health care provider requires a fair amount of communication, whether for scheduling an appointment, receiving care, or understanding follow-up directions. For families whose primary language isn’t English, the Interpreter Services program at Boston Children’s Hospital can help make those discussions easier. “Our team of interpreters provides translation services in more than 70 languages,” ... Read More about We speak your language: Helping non-English-speaking families receive the best care
Tagged: telehealth
In-hospital telehealth: Care innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic
The quick response, or QR, code — that square barcode symbol used by smartphone apps to link users with specific information — became an unexpected but essential tool for patient care at Boston Children’s Hospital in early spring. When the first patients with COVID-19 arrived, it quickly became clear that health care providers needed safer ... Read More about In-hospital telehealth: Care innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Tagged: telehealth
Treating chronic pain virtually: A telehealth success story
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced shutdowns in March 2020, many clinicians found themselves faced with a whole new challenge: conducting much of patient care from their computers. Although telehealth was already a part of some physicians’ practices, others have had to learn how to adapt existing clinical skills to virtual platforms. But there have been ... Read More about Treating chronic pain virtually: A telehealth success story
Tagged: pain, telehealth
Still within reach: Virtual visits keep Hadley plugged into stroke care
When it’s time for Hadley Rizza to see her care team in the Stroke and Cerebrovascular Center at Boston Children’s Hospital, she doesn’t have to leave home. Although Hadley and her parents, Eric and Meredith, live in the Pacific Northwest, appointments with her clinicians are just a click away, thanks to the hospital’s Virtual Visits ... Read More about Still within reach: Virtual visits keep Hadley plugged into stroke care
Tagged: stroke, telehealth
Clinicians: Four tips for effective virtual visits
Now that we’re eight months into the coronavirus pandemic, most providers have had experience with virtual, or telehealth, visits. These visits have been a necessary, and very convenient way to continue to safely provide patients with care. Like many other hospitals around the country, Boston Children’s had to ramp up telehealth services quickly at the ... Read More about Clinicians: Four tips for effective virtual visits
Tagged: coronavirus, primary care, telehealth
Caring for pediatric ADHD patients through telehealth
Key takeaways· In the current health crisis, online visits should be used to monitor current patients and make new diagnoses.· Providers should guide families to resources for at-home behavioral modification techniques.· Telehealth office visits are likely to remain after the current crisis subsides. It comes as no surprise to the pediatric neurology community at Boston ... Read More about Caring for pediatric ADHD patients through telehealth
Tagged: ADHD, coronavirus, research, telehealth
More COVID-19 myths and facts: Boston Children’s edition
Now that restrictions are easing in Massachusetts, many people have questions about how, if, and when to visit Boston Children’s Hospital. Test your knowledge of our updated policies and procedures during the COVID-19 outbreak by taking our quiz. [smartslider3 slider=”27″] Take our previous quiz and get more answers about Boston Children’s response to COVID-19. Share this:
Tagged: coronavirus, culture, telehealth