Archive for metabolism
Small samples, big data: A systems-biology look at a newborn’s first week of life
The first week of a baby’s life is a time of rapid biological change. The newborn must adapt to living outside the womb, suddenly exposed to new bacteria and viruses. Yet scientists know surprisingly little about these early changes. Reporting in Nature Communications, an international research team provides the most detailed accounting to date of the ... Read More about Small samples, big data: A systems-biology look at a newborn’s first week of life
Tagged: big data, metabolism, newborn medicine, precision medicine, proteomics, vaccines
Muriel’s story: Choosing life after loss
I was with my mom when she had a heart attack. I was only 3 years old, but I remember her falling down and the EMTs arriving and later being told she had passed away. As I got older, I understood that my mom’s weight and health habits caused her heart disease and ultimately her ... Read More about Muriel’s story: Choosing life after loss
Tagged: metabolism, surgery
Inherited autism mutations found via genomic sequencing in Mideast families
Autism clearly runs in some families, yet few inherited genetic causes have been found. A major reason is that these causes are so varied that it’s hard to find enough people with a given mutation to establish a clear pattern. Now, three large Middle Eastern families with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have led the way ... Read More about Inherited autism mutations found via genomic sequencing in Mideast families