Archive for diabetes
Are weight-loss medications and surgery right for teens?
Advances in bariatric surgery and weight-loss medications have made weight management accessible to more adults. But are these approaches effective — and safe — for teens, too? Weight-management medications, particularly glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs), are the newest tool available to people over age 12 for the treatment of obesity and related conditions. At ... Read More about Are weight-loss medications and surgery right for teens?
Addressing food insecurity and nutrition challenges in pediatric type 1 diabetes care
Managing type 1 diabetes can be overwhelming for children and families. As children learn to live with the disease, many cut back on visits to their nutritionists. Others face barriers like food insecurity that make it difficult to maintain a balanced diet. And without the proper professional support and access to healthy foods, children’s overall ... Read More about Addressing food insecurity and nutrition challenges in pediatric type 1 diabetes care
Tagged: diabetes, endocrinology, nutrition, research
Could peripheral neuropathy be stopped before it starts?
An increase in high-fat, high-fructose foods in people’s diets has contributed to a dramatic increase in type 2 diabetes. This, in turn, has led to an increase in peripheral neuropathy — nerve damage, typically in the hands and feet — that causes weakness, loss of sensation and, in some, a stabbing, burning, or tingling pain. ... Read More about Could peripheral neuropathy be stopped before it starts?
Tagged: diabetes, immunology, neurology, neuroscience
BRD7 research points to alternative insulin signaling pathway
Bromodomain-containing protein 7 (BRD7) was initially identified as a tumor suppressor, but further research has shown it has a broader role in other cellular processes, including the remodeling of chromosomes and cell cycle progression. Now, Boston Children’s Division of Endocrinology researchers have discovered another purpose for BRD7: It seems to be involved in an alternative insulin signaling ... Read More about BRD7 research points to alternative insulin signaling pathway
Tagged: diabetes, endocrinology, obesity, research
Revisiting race and ethnicity in clinical guidelines
Health care institutions often rely on clinical pathways in assessing patients and making decisions about their care. Some of these care algorithms incorporate race, ethnicity, or ancestry as factors in decision making. But is this helpful or harmful? And is there solid evidence to justify treating people of different racial or ethnic backgrounds differently? Robert ... Read More about Revisiting race and ethnicity in clinical guidelines
Tagged: diabetes, eczema, emergency medicine, fever, health equity, medical training, racism
Emmie’s journey with type 1 diabetes and celiac disease
Emmie knows more about her own medical history than most children her age. Her journey to finding answers started when she was just 4 years old. She woke up one day looking “like I ate a bunch of blueberries or blackberries — my lips were turning blue,” explains Emmie, now 7. Her mom, Amanda, wasted ... Read More about Emmie’s journey with type 1 diabetes and celiac disease
Tagged: advocacy, celiac disease, diabetes
Study shows young adults don’t easily transition to self-care of diabetes
Diabetes is challenging to manage at any age, but even more so for young adults who are handling the condition on their own for the first time. They need to transition from pediatric to adult care as smoothly as possible — but a recent study finds this isn’t happening. Research led by Katharine Garvey, MD, MPH, ... Read More about Study shows young adults don’t easily transition to self-care of diabetes
Tagged: diabetes, emergency medicine, endocrinology, research
New research discovery could shorten ICU stays for children with diabetic ketoacidosis
When a child with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) requires intensive care, clinicians often monitor blood ketone levels to determine whether treatment has successfully reversed the abnormal ketone production. Yet, the utility of blood ketone levels to diagnose DKA or determine whether a child’s DKA has resolved have not been rigorously studied. But now, research by Elise Tremblay, ... Read More about New research discovery could shorten ICU stays for children with diabetic ketoacidosis
Tagged: critical care, diabetes
Genetic risk factors for PCOS act independently of ovarian function
It’s estimated that as many as 10 percent of women have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal condition that produces symptoms such as infertility, irregular menstrual periods, and excessive body hair growth. Women with PCOS are also at increased risk for cardiometabolic dysfunction, as evidenced by insulin resistance and obesity. Yet, despite extensive studies of PCOS, ... Read More about Genetic risk factors for PCOS act independently of ovarian function
Tagged: diabetes, endocrinology, metabolism, obesity
Can we harness intestinal cells to treat endocrine disorders?
Enteroendocrine cells punch above their weight. Comprising just about 1 percent of intestinal cells, they produce, as a group, around 15 different hormones. These not only regulate intestinal function and digestion, but also influence metabolic functions like insulin secretion and appetite regulation. A new technology platform developed at Boston Children’s could set the stage for ... Read More about Can we harness intestinal cells to treat endocrine disorders?
Tagged: diabetes, endocrinology, obesity, organoids, stem cells