Archive for blood donor center
A small act of kindness: Blood donations get Sadie off the sidelines after her aplastic anemia diagnosis
In March of 2024, Sadie’s life was interrupted. A busy high school senior with classes to attend, soccer matches to play, and a much-anticipated trip to France on the horizon, Sadie was very active and felt generally healthy. But when a follow-up appointment at her pediatrician’s office led to an urgent referral to Boston Children’s ... Read More about A small act of kindness: Blood donations get Sadie off the sidelines after her aplastic anemia diagnosis
Tagged: anemia, blood disorder, blood donor center, rare disease
Blood donations help Kit manage Diamond-Blackfan anemia — so she can dance, sing, and enjoy life
Every month, Kit Murdoch needs a blood transfusion to stay alive. The 2-year-old has Diamond-Blackfan anemia, a rare genetic blood disorder that, if untreated, prevents blood from delivering oxygen through the body. While it has been a devastating diagnosis for Kit’s parents, they’re grateful for the specialized care she receives and are constantly amazed that people ... Read More about Blood donations help Kit manage Diamond-Blackfan anemia — so she can dance, sing, and enjoy life