Archive for thyroid cancer
Years of experience support the safe use of fine-needle aspiration for pediatric thyroid nodules
Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (FNA) has long been used as a safe and effective way to evaluate thyroid nodules in adults, usually without sedation. Less is known about the safety and tolerability of FNA in children, although small studies suggest that the approach can be performed without sedation and with minimal complications. Now, a report by ... Read More about Years of experience support the safe use of fine-needle aspiration for pediatric thyroid nodules
Tagged: thyroid cancer
Does thyroid cancer in children behave differently than in adults?
Once relatively uncommon, pediatric thyroid cancer is increasing among children and is now the most common type of cancer diagnosed in adolescents. As the oldest program of its kind in the U.S. — and one of the only centers dedicated to pediatric thyroid disease — Boston Children’s Thyroid Center is at the forefront of research on ... Read More about Does thyroid cancer in children behave differently than in adults?
Tagged: autoimmune disease, obesity, thyroid cancer
Charting a new path for pediatric thyroid cancer treatment
Thyroid cancer is the most common type of endocrine cancer in children. Because it is bilateral — affecting both sides (lobes) of the thyroid — in more than one third of pediatric patients, initial treatment typically involves a total thyroidectomy, the surgical removal of the entire thyroid gland. However, removal of only the affected lobe — a lobectomy ... Read More about Charting a new path for pediatric thyroid cancer treatment
Tagged: thyroid cancer
Thyroid nodules in children: When to refer
You’re doing a regular well-child check when you think you feel a lump in the front of the neck. Or neck imaging done for some other reason shows a nodule in the thyroid. Could that lump be thyroid cancer? What should your next steps be? A thyroid nodule is a growth that forms within the ... Read More about Thyroid nodules in children: When to refer
Tagged: primary care, thyroid cancer
From Alabama for answers: Adella’s thyroid journey
She may only be 12 years old, but Adella Jackson has already expanded her family’s perspective. “She’s broadened our horizons,” says her mother, Cindy. “If it wasn’t for Adella, we never would have gotten to visit Boston, for example.” The Jacksons, who hail from Alabama, have loved exploring the city’s rich history and art museums ... Read More about From Alabama for answers: Adella’s thyroid journey
Tagged: surgery, thyroid cancer
Experience matters: For Curtis’s family, choosing a thyroid surgeon was simple
For many parents, being told their child needs a total thyroidectomy — surgical removal of the entire thyroid gland — comes as a frightening shock. But for Curtis Lynch’s family, the procedure is already quite familiar. Several members have also undergone thyroidectomy in hopes of mitigating their genetic risk for thyroid cancer. Curtis’s family has a ... Read More about Experience matters: For Curtis’s family, choosing a thyroid surgeon was simple
Tagged: surgery, thyroid cancer
Study: Tool for thyroid nodule evaluation misses thyroid cancers in children
A thyroid nodule is a solid or fluid-filled lump that forms within the thyroid gland. Most thyroid nodules that develop in children are benign and don’t cause symptoms. However, about 20 percent of these nodules do represent a pediatric thyroid cancer, making careful evaluation key to detection. The American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging, Reporting, ... Read More about Study: Tool for thyroid nodule evaluation misses thyroid cancers in children
Tagged: diagnostics, thyroid cancer
Maya is moving ahead after thyroid cancer
For Maya Rao, 15, a playful accident last Thanksgiving led to the discovery of thyroid cancer. As she and her older sister, Deepti, fooled around, happy to be reunited for the holiday, Deepti’s long hair — gathered in a bun — softly hit Maya on her neck. It seemed innocuous enough, but then she developed ... Read More about Maya is moving ahead after thyroid cancer
Tagged: cancer, endocrinology, surgery, thyroid cancer