Archive for probiotics
Beware probiotics in ICU patients
It’s become common for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU), both children and adults, to receive probiotics. Often, they are started at home to counteract diarrhea caused by antibiotics. There is also interest in using probiotics proactively in the ICU. A large multicenter clinical trial in Canada is testing whether probiotics would prevent ventilator-associated ... Read More about Beware probiotics in ICU patients
Tagged: critical care, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, probiotics, research, safety
Microbiome therapeutics: 6 takeaways from a MassBio panel
Seeing the surprising success of “poop pills” in gastrointestinal C. difficile infection, pharma companies and startups are embracing the microbiome as a new therapeutic target for an astonishing range of maladies. To learn what pioneering companies in the space are thinking about the hope and the hype, Vector recently attended a panel on microbiome therapeutics ... Read More about Microbiome therapeutics: 6 takeaways from a MassBio panel
Tagged: drug development, fecal transplant, microbiome, probiotics