Archive for neuroblastoma
Taking a sideswipe at high-risk neuroblastoma
Cancer and other diseases are now understood to spring from a complex interplay of biological factors rather than any one isolated origin. New research reveals that an equally-nuanced approach to treating high-risk neuroblastoma may be the most effective way to curb tumor growth. One challenge in treating pediatric cancers like neuroblastoma is that they are ... Read More about Taking a sideswipe at high-risk neuroblastoma
Tagged: cancer, genetics and genomics, neuroblastoma
Double stem cell transplant and other tools are helping children survive neuroblastoma
When Emily Coughlin complained of a sore knee in May 2009, doctors initially suspected Lyme disease. After antibiotics failed to relieve the pain, Emily was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a cancer that begins in nerve cells outside the brain, just shy of her fourth birthday. Though neuroblastomia is rare — about 700 new cases occur annually in the ... Read More about Double stem cell transplant and other tools are helping children survive neuroblastoma
Tagged: cancer, neuroblastoma, stem cell transplant