Archive for medical training
CHIP-ing away at health and medicine for 25 years: A look back
In 1994, when CHIP was formed, the dotcom boom was just dawning. iPhones and social media (except for the earliest versions) were more than a decade away. Bill Clinton was president. Isaac Kohane, MD, PhD, had just completed a fellowship in endocrinology at Boston Children’s Hospital under the mentorship of Joseph Majzoub, MD. He wanted ... Read More about CHIP-ing away at health and medicine for 25 years: A look back
GALLERY: Custom-built ‘trainers’ help clinicians master procedures
Walking into the SIMPeds Engineering Studio, a few blocks from Boston Children’s Hospital, the first thing you notice is body parts — high-fidelity replicas of human anatomy in various sizes. Some are in a glass display case, while others are laid out in various states of assembly, from a lone finger to the complete abdominal cavity of ... Read More about GALLERY: Custom-built ‘trainers’ help clinicians master procedures
Tagged: medical devices, medical training, simpeds
Surgical 3-D printing: 300 prints, 16 specialties and counting
3-D printing is rapidly becoming a part of surgical planning. Since July 2013, Boston Children’s Hospital’s 3-D printing service, part of the Simulator Program, has received about 200 requests from 16 departments around the hospital. It’s generated a total of about 300 prints, most of them replicating parts of the body to be operated on. Most ... Read More about Surgical 3-D printing: 300 prints, 16 specialties and counting
Tagged: complex care, medical devices, medical training, simpeds