Archive for Claire McCarthy
Why parents really need to talk to their children about the news
These are strange, anxiety-provoking times. That’s true no matter where one lives or where one sits on the political spectrum — for all of us, it’s upsetting and confusing. If it feels that way for adults, just imagine what it’s like for children who catch snatches of information and conversations they don’t really understand. That’s ... Read More about Why parents really need to talk to their children about the news
Tagged: coronavirus, culture, racism
Why are doctors prescribing play?
If you want to make sure that your child succeeds, make sure that they … play. The job of children, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), is to play. In fact, the AAP has a policy statement about the importance and power of play — and encourages pediatricians to do everything they can to get ... Read More about Why are doctors prescribing play?
Tagged: psychiatry
How do I have ‘the talk’ with my tween?
When most parents think about talking to their kids about sex, it makes them very uncomfortable. It’s not exactly easy to discuss the specifics of how babies are made — especially when you are hoping that your kid doesn’t have sex until they are, well, much older. Which makes you not want to discuss it ... Read More about How do I have ‘the talk’ with my tween?
Tagged: sex education