Archive for microcephaly
Zika study reveals how infection can cause microcephaly
Prenatal exposure to viruses capable of infecting the fetal brain, particularly in the first trimester, can cause a range of developmental defects in the baby. The Zika epidemic in Brazil during 2015-2016 posed an extreme case, causing hundreds of babies to be born with microcephaly, or an abnormally small head. Although cases have waned significantly, ... Read More about Zika study reveals how infection can cause microcephaly
Inspired by her daughter, one mom helps families navigate complex epilepsy
Colleen Gagnon felt something wasn’t right soon after her daughter Niamh was born but tried to convince herself she was just overthinking. Fighting her instincts as a nurse and second-time mom, Colleen tried to link the dimple in Niamh’s forehead and darting eye movements to her being born six weeks early. But an eye doctor’s ... Read More about Inspired by her daughter, one mom helps families navigate complex epilepsy
Tagged: epilepsy, microcephaly, neuroscience, seizures