COVID-19 and vaping: Do you know myth from fact?

Close-up image of teen vaping
Do you know the facts about vaping and COVID-19 risk? (Image: Adobe Stock; Illustration: Dave Chrisom, Boston Children's)

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, researchers continue to learn more about what puts people at risk for getting sick and who is most likely to have a severe form of the illness. One of the many questions has been about vaping and COVID-19 risk.

For answers, we turned to Dr. Sharon Levy, director of the Adolescent Substance Use & Addiction (ASAP) Program at Boston Children’s Hospital and Dr. Alicia Casey, who cares for children and teens with lung disease at Boston Children’s. Take our quiz and test your knowledge.

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Learn more about the ASAP Program and get more answers about Boston Children’s response to COVID-19.

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