Search Results for: Midaortic Syndrome and Renovascular Hypertension Center
Not just another patient: Care for midaortic syndrome that’s ‘handcrafted’ for Iris
This past July, Iris Huot, her older sister, Audrey, and their parents, Jessica and Austin, gathered around their dining room …Read More
For Echo, treatment for midaortic syndrome was ‘MAGIC’
Most 7-year-olds don’t have high blood pressure, let alone blood pressure that hovers around 180/110 mm Hg. (“Normal” blood pressure …Read More
Maythum finally finds answers for midaortic syndrome
Maythum Mehdi was just 5 years old when he told his mother, Batul, that he was having trouble seeing: When …Read More
Matt’s story: An innovative approach to midaortic syndrome
Until he was 12-and-a-half, Matt Sarracco had hardly missed a day of school. In fact, he had won awards for …Read More
Leaning into Sydney: A team approach to renovascular hypertension
In most ways, Sydney Murphy is a typical 3-year-old girl: She watches the movie The Princess and the Frog on …Read More
Why do kids love “Baby Shark”? A Boston Children’s music therapist explains
Doo doo doo doo doo doo. If you spend any time around young children, you’re likely all too familiar with …Read More
Staff Spotlight: Meet Jonette Jean-Louis
Jonette Jean-Louis is the program coordinator for the Midaortic Syndrome and Renovascular Hypertension Center at Boston Children’s Hospital. Midaortic syndrome …Read More
Four things to know about your child’s kidneys
If you’re like most parents, you probably know that the kidneys filter waste from the body and produce urine. But …Read More
Solving the mystery of Sophie’s high blood pressure
Sophie Lawrence loves “Baby Shark.” Like many other toddlers, she listens to the popular children’s song on repeat, bopping her …Read More
A note for my nurse
In honor of Nurses’ Week, we asked a few of our patients and their families to share what their favorite …Read More